Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Art Wolfe Lecture and Workshop - Competition

Camera Electronic has decided that the imminent visit to Australia of Art Wolfe – the wildlife and landscape photographer – is a fit occasion to host a contest.

Photographers are invited to submit images that they have taken on-line to us at photos@cameraelectronic.com.au for adjudication – the best will win the artist a free entry to Art’s Workshop on the 31th of March. It will be at the State Library of WA Lecture Theater, 25 Francis Street, Perth. The workshop will be concerned with the art of composition. Of course those who do not win this as a prize can still purchase the opportunity for themselves – this is a $395 value.

On the day prior to this – the 30th of March – a public lecture will be given entitled “Between Heaven and Earth” and will showcase many of his iconic images from the

Himalayas, as well as video presentation and his own stories. This is a two-hour lecture and the cost will be $95.

Details of his full schedule here in Perth may be seen on the website of Denis Glennon.

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Fuji XPro-1 Demonstration Night

Register online NOW at http://www.cameraelectronic.com.au/ce-fuji.php

Camera Electronic in conjunction with Fuji Australia is privileged to present a demonstration night with the NEW X-Pro 1 digital camera. The NEW Limited Edition X100 Black will also be on display.

Date: 19 March 2012
Time: 5 - 7 pm
Location: Fremantle

Register online NOW at http://www.cameraelectronic.com.au/ce-fuji.php

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Olympus Triple Primes

To complement their PEN range of Micro 4/3 cameras Olympus has recently released 2 new prime lenses. The 12mm f2.0 and the 45mm f1.8. Adding to their 17mm f2.8 there are now 3 very nice primes you should come and check out!

The 12mm f2.0 is spectacularly constructed. This lens has a metal body and a quick-shift mechanism to switch between manual and auto focus. A nice touch too is the inclusion of a depth-of-field scale. Equivalent to a 24mm field-of-view on a 35mm format this wide-angle lens is very sharp and contrasty. RRP $999

The 17mm f2.8 was the original pancake lens released with the first series on PEN cameras. Designed to be a 34mm equivalent field-of-view on a 35mm format the size and price of this lens makes it a very attractive piece of gear. RRP $349

The 45mm f1.8 is something of a pleasant surprise. Designed specifically to be a portrait lens (90mm equivalent field of view on 35mm format) this lens has amazing smooth out of focus fall-off and at the same time, sensational resolving power. I've taken a number of sample shots with this and have been astounded the amount of detail it can produce. Also it's very light-weight, fast focusing and a steal at $499!

Come in have a play with these beauties!

*all images from olympus.com.au


--> Camera Electronic: January 2012

Camera Electronic