Saturday, January 12, 2013

Fun Buttons - Press Yours Now

Well there are some products in this place that are just purely for fun. You see them and you want them and you can have them but you have to admit that they are just to make your heart sing. Not to be a professional or to be and artist or to impress the girls. Just for fun.

These shutter buttons are in that class - they go onto the cable release sockets of Leicas, Zeiss Ikons, Voigtlanders, and Fujis and you press them down with your finger. Or your nose, at a certain stage of the party...

They might ease the shutter release and give you a smoother shot and less vibration and finer definition and a chocolate milkshake and world peace, but I suspect they are still just to look cool and make you feel happy.
And for $ 19.95 that seems to be a pretty good deal.

Note: The other fun products - the Carl Gustav kit and the box of weasels - are out on loan to one of the private schools - they'll be back in a few weeks.

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--> Camera Electronic: Fun Buttons - Press Yours Now

Fun Buttons - Press Yours Now


Well there are some products in this place that are just purely for fun. You see them and you want them and you can have them but you have to admit that they are just to make your heart sing. Not to be a professional or to be and artist or to impress the girls. Just for fun.

These shutter buttons are in that class - they go onto the cable release sockets of Leicas, Zeiss Ikons, Voigtlanders, and Fujis and you press them down with your finger. Or your nose, at a certain stage of the party...

They might ease the shutter release and give you a smoother shot and less vibration and finer definition and a chocolate milkshake and world peace, but I suspect they are still just to look cool and make you feel happy.
And for $ 19.95 that seems to be a pretty good deal.


Note: The other fun products - the Carl Gustav kit and the box of weasels - are out on loan to one of the private schools - they'll be back in a few weeks.

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